Notice to ALL Current & Future Members/Customers of Wimberley WSC
March 04, 2025
Notice to All Current and Future Members/Customers of Wimberley Water Supply Corporation
Please note that any change to your property in the form of an addition to an existing home, the addition of a guest house, apartment, garage apartment, mobile home, recreational vehicle or any other habitable structure to the property will require a re-classification in water service and/or the need for an additional water service(s) to the property.
It is important to note that costs & fees will be associated with the re-classification in water service or the requirements for additional water service to a property. These costs & fees to include but not limited to: Additional Equity Buy In Fee(s), Meter Installation Costs, increased Membership Fee, Customer Service Inspection fee, Hay Trinity Groundwater Conservation District Connection fee and increase in monthly base rate amount.
Prior to any action listed above, it is recommended that you visit the WWSC website ( and review all Service Rules within the WWSC’s Tariff in regard to multiple connections and re-classification of service or contact our office for this information and any clarification of WWSC Tariff & Service Rules that pertain. Multiple scenarios exist therefore cases may vary.